Where does time go? Oh I know we have all heard this over and over again.
But truly this year just seems to be flying by.
I can hardly believe it is September already.
And I can hardly believe that the Holiday weekend is basically over. Well at least for us.
It can’t be that just 72 hrs ago we were wild with anticipation for Em’s flight to come in at 6:50pm from Little Rock. Well by the way of Baltimore.

And then the storms blew thru.
And we all know what happens next.

And we eventually picked her up at 10:30pm.
So much for hanging together the first night. Paul has had to work this entire weekend and well Em was just exhausted from her marathon travel day.
So we squeezed a whole lot of together time into Saturday and Sunday.
But I was also able to squeeze in some studio time.
Kitting up blocks for my next two projects.
One that I will be able to share with you starting later this month and well the other will most likely remain between me and the design board until late spring next year.

With Project #1 I decided to put a dent in my overflowing Civil War tubs of stash.
Going totally scrappy in this quilt so for 36 blocks I needed a minimum of 216 different fabrics. I lost count after 250. Now keep in mind these are very small amounts of each fabric. Some might appear as only a 4.5” square in the quilt.

I was so happy I had this jelly roll (but cut at 3.5” x 20”) of shirtings in the stash. I bought this earlier this year while out in Tucson, AZ. Perfect for this project!
So I sliced and diced and cut some more and now I have the “fixins” for 36 blocks to sew while out at Quilt Expo later this week.
YES! Traveling up to Madison. So that means I will get to see Pauli this week. Oh my both kids in one week. I am truly a lucky mom.
Project #2 involves my using the 4000+ 4” blocks of fabric that I used to use in my Coloriffic Workshop. I have decided to retire this workshop after 12 years and it will be gone from the line up with the unveiling of my brand new All-Spiffed-Up website in about 10 days.
So I have conjured up an plan and it involves many 6” blocks. So I started with making a bunch of half square triangles…and some other mystery pieces. And then put all the pieces together for a block with a pin. More things work on the road.

But for now I just dropped Emily off at the airport.
Tomorrow she begins her life traveling for Hendrix College in the capacity of an Admission Counselor. With just 14 days home from tomorrow until Halloween she most definitely will be a road warrior. I have shared with her all the bits of wisdom I have compiled myself over the years of traveling.
She makes her father and I so proud. She and her brother make us look like great parents.
I can hardly wait for her batch of road stories at Thanksgiving.

P.S. Please note I was forced to purge my personal Facebook Page and ask all of you to move over and join the Pieced Hexies with Mickey Depre professional page. This will allow all of us to talk and share all aspects of quilting (and life) under one “roof”.