Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Take me home.

Hike1 copyThis seemed like the appropriate title for this blog.

This is Country Lane in the Forest Preserves of Cook County (or Crook County as we Chicagoans and Suburbanites call it). 

The song in my head always when we start out is Take Me Home Country Roads by John Denver. 

My day started out with a 5.5 mile hike.  Not a walk.  A hike.

This pic is my proof.

It was a tough hike…you can barely see the first of many hills in the distance in this pic. 

My allergies were in full force.

It will be a double Allegra day.

But it felt good.

We have been walking about 15 miles a week now.  It would be more honestly but still tied to my desk finishing up my manuscript.

There will be much more walking/hiking/biking from mid August on.

Yesterday was a fun day at Chez Depre.

As has been the usual Monday event in July,  Cathy B. came over to sew.  Shannon,Me, Mary

Got a message earlier in the month that my good friend Mary Kerr and Shannon Shirley would be passing thru my neck of the woods (note that great tie in to the earlier segment) while on their journey north to Oconomowoc WI and the The Upper Midwest Quilt Show.

Mary Kerr and I have been friends for many many years and it was so good to see her.   I think we could sit for hours and chat if possible.   She and Shannon stopped in for coffee and got to meet Cathy.  New friendship were formed. 

Both Mary and Shannon have books also on the horizon and I will share more about them when they are released.  So much fun, so much inspiration, we all love the same thing but have our own niches….quilting rocks!

Cathy shared with all of us her latest quilt.  Well quilt top.  It will be off to the longarmer shortly I am sure.

Cathy has made all 100 blocks in Tula Pink’s latest book 100 Modern Quilt Blocks.

Isn’t it fantastic! My flash toned down the blue..it really is much more brilliant! 

9781440232145_p0_v1_s260x420So my final giveaway for my Christmas in July Blog Event is a copy of Tula’s Book.

Leave a comment telling me your favorite John Denver song (and if you don’t like John Denver I suggest you fake it for now…lol) and I will pull a winner on Thursday morning at 6am!

Gonna hit the studio now…I think I will queue up “Sunshine on my Shoulders” on the iPod.

Enjoy the day,



Unknown said...

Fly Away is one of my favorites, but Rocky Mtn High is good too.

kathyskrafts said...

Leaving on a Jet Plane - oh I wish :)

Jen Mercer said...

He has so many that I like to listen to but Grandma's Feather Bed is my favorite.

Evelyn Chagnon said...

Annie's Song, even if he DID dump her for a newer edition!

gail.designs said...

My favorite is Grandma's Feather Bed or Sunshine on my Shoulders. Have all is albums.
Gail in Verona

Ann Parks said...

My favorite John Denver song is Annie's Song. I love the words, even if he didn't exactly live up to them.

Marcia said...

We lived in Charleston, West Virginia for a few years. They have a minor league baseball team which played "Take Me Home Country Roads" at the end of each home game. Everyone stayed to sing along. It became my favorite song.

Beth said...

Rocky Mountain High tops my list!

Anonymous said...

Thank God I'm a Country Boy. Just fun.

Jennifer said...

I agree with Beth - Rocky Mountain high. Glad you got your hike in this morning and got to spend time with friends!

Jill said...

Calypso :) I had a big crush on him when I was in about 6th grade, lol.

Maggie Szafranski said...

John Denver's work is classic! Love Grandma's Feather's Bed! Love Cathy's quilt top! The setting is fantastic!

Liz Turney said...

I saw John Denver live in Las Vegas when I was on my honeymoon. He gave us front row seats. I will never forget him. It was an awesome concert and my favorite song was, "Sunshine On My Shoulder".

Debby, crowefan0517 said...

I saw John Denver at Madison Square Garden many, many years ago. My favorite song is "Sunshine on My Shoulders" (I hope that's the correct title). When I was a teenager I made a hook rug with those words on it. I still remember the shade of blue it was, and the words in yellow letters.

shilsenbeck said...

rocky mountain high -- ;-)

paulettej said...

How can I pick just one? but, Annie's Song-------I change my name to Annie when I hear IT!!!!
Paulettej from VA--formally Southern WI

Carolyn in Kerrville, TX said...

Since we are fortunate enough to escape Texas and spend the summer in Colorado, I love Rocky Mountain High!

GO STARS! said...

Sunshine on my Shoulders or Rocky Mountain High

Unknown said...

hmmm, that's a toughie - Rocky Mtn high, or take me home, or sunshine on my shoulder - all hits in my book, hope I win Tula Pink's! Thanks for the chance.

SewLindaAnn said...

I first was thinking Colorado Rocky Mtn. High, but then I remembered Annie's song. I do love all of his songs (I've never admitted my love of John Denver out loud before:) or Neil Diamond for that matter!

Mara said...

"Take me home Country Roads" great song. thanks for the giveaway.

Dorothy Matheson said...

Calypso is my favorit. However I love love his songs. Saw him everytime he came close to Austin Tx. In fact two weeks before he died I saw him. So sad to loose him too young.

dian said...

Take me Home Country Roads and I am a Country boy - both hit on my teen years and the great fun on summer nights! Can't decide so love them both. Thanks for the give-away.

Anonymous said...

Sunshine on my Shoulders is my favorite followed closely by Annie's Song. I could listen to his songs all day.
Diane P.

pwofford said...

I've always loved Rocky Mountain High, even though I'm a Blue Ridge girl!

Carol said...

Leaving on a key plane... Really wish I was actually getting on a plane to somewhere soon... With of course a little hand sewing project to occupy the time.

Anonymous said...

That's easy, Country Roads, thanks for the chance.

(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)